The Star Wars Lego saga started in 2005 with the premiere of Revenge of the Brick short on Cartoon Network. Since then there have been numerous other cartoons, and an ongoing series on Disney XD. These DVDs are a great way to introduce younger viewers to the Star Wars franchise. At the same time they contain humor that adult fans of the Star Wars series will enjoy. These CGI cartoons are unafraid to take potshots at the films that inspired them.

Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace, 2012

As the first of the Lego Star Wars releases, The Padawan Menace lacks the finish of later DVDs. With Jedi Master Yoda and his Padawan learner as the principle characters, the cartoon is a precursor to the Yoda Chronicles. The cartoon runs for about 22 minutes, with the DVD bonus material that stretches to roughly an hour of content.

Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace is available at the Peabody Institute of Danvers

Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out, 2013

This is a fairly short DVD, 22 minutes with no extra features. It picks at the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The Death Star has been destroyed, but the Rebel base on Yavin IV is now exposed. While the Emperor and Darth Maul build a new Death Star, Darth Vader races around the galaxy trying catch Luke Skywalker and his friends.

Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out is available at the Peabody Institute of Danvers, or through interlibrary loan.

Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles, 2013

Yoda and his young Padawans are drawn into a Separatist plot to create super-powered Sith clones. Taking place during the Attack of the Clones prequel film, this short series is a tongue-in-cheek take on that movie. While the DVD is only 44 minutes long, the entertainment value is considerably more.

Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles is available at the Peabody Institute of Danvers, or through interlibrary loan.

Lego Star Wars: The New Yoda Chronicles, 2015

Clocking in at 92 minutes this series follows the cast of the original 1977 trilogy as they attempt to rescue Jedi Holocrons from Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. It is a direct sequel to Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles from 2013. Like its predecessor the DVD is packed with humor that will appeal to children and adults. Among the special features is an alternate ending.

Lego Star Wars: The New Yoda Chronicles is available at the Peabody Institute of Danvers, or through interlibrary loan.

Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales, 2015

R2-D2 has been kidnapped! As C-3PO searches for his metal companion, he tells a series of stories touching on the first six films. Out of all of the Star Wars Lego cartoons Droid Tales contains some of the most caustic humor directed at the prequels. A delightful 110 minutes of light-hearted humor and sarcasm. Of all the Lego Star Wars DVDs this is my favorite.

Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales is available at the Peabody Institute of Danvers, or through interlibrary loan.

Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, Complete season one, 2016

Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures is an ongoing Disney XD series. Primarily geared towards children, this show lacks the biting meta-humor from previous Lego Star Wars titles. About halfway through the season the tone shifts, and it becomes enjoyable to children and adults alike. Taking place between the Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, the series focuses on the adventures of the Freemaker family. Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine make frequent cameos, as do other characters from the Star Wars films.

Season one of Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures is available through interlibrary loan.